Become an influencer within CAMHS
At CAMHS, we want children, young people, parents, and carers to get the best service possible. The only way we can do this successfully is by listening and working with you to make sure we deliver exactly what you want. That is why your voice is so important to us.
We are looking for a group of influencers to improve the North Derbyshire CAMHS service.
Who are we looking for?
We are looking for you! We want group members of children and young people aged between 13-18 who have experience within CAMHS.
What will I have to do?
Come and hang out with us. We will be holding a group every month from 5pm – 6:30pm at The Den, Chesterfield Royal Hospital.
In the group we want you to share your ideas, give us your feedback and advice on how we can make the service better for you.
Basically, you say, we listen and together we will work out a way to make your ideas a success.

What do I get out of this?
Well, free food AND an opportunity to have your voice heard and to make changes within the NHS for current and future children and young people accessing CAMHS.
What about Parents and Carers?
Don’t worry, we haven’t forgot about you. We equally value your thoughts, ideas, feedback, and advice on how we can make our service better. We will be setting up a Parent group in the not-so-distant future, so if you fancy joining us, drop us an email at - and we will be in touch.
Where do I sign up?
Children and Young people, if you scan the QR code on one of the images, it will take you to a feedback form, give us a bit of an idea of your current thoughts about the service, fill in your details and we’ll be in touch.
Parents and Carers – Email us at and let us know you’re interested in joining the parent/carer participation group. Be sure to leave us a number to call you on.
For additional information email and one of our Participation Leads, who are Sue Brown, Julia Stott and Krissie Shaw (below), will get in touch for a chat and give you any information you need.