learning disabilities
Challenging Behaviour Assessment:
A Mental health and behavioural difficulties screening questionnaire for Young people with Learning Disabilities and/or Autism Spectrum Disorder
About the Screening Tool
We have developed a short simple questionnaire that is made up of risk factors for challenging behaviours / mental health difficulties from both research and our clinical practice. The questionnaire can be used at any time by anyone but might be helpful for use at annual reviews, a general assessment or when concerns arise.
The questionnaire is made up of a series of statements that are responded to as:
Somewhat present
Not present
Recommendations for the young person:
In response to any statements that are marked as present or sometimes present, recommendations are made and an Action Plan can be developed. A Positive Behaviour Support Plan is always a good place to start. You can select 2 to 3 areas to focus on - or just 1 area at a time.
Lots of the recommendations help to prevent later challenging behaviours and mental health difficulties. Often it is about:
Altering an environment to fit a young person’s needs
Developing coping strategies and everyday life skills
Developing and supporting communication (both receptive and expressive skills)
And increasing quality of life generally