
Children and Young people with ASD can be more at risk of being bullied compared to their peers due to the following reasons:

  • Young people with ASD are more likely to provide a significant reaction to bullying (can be immediate or after excessive targeting). This can be reinforcement and entertainment for bullies.

  • Some are easily manipulated by their peers and may not even be aware they are being bullied e.g. by being asked to say inappropriate statements by others.

  • Some young people with ASD can tolerate higher levels of ill-treatment from others in exchange for perceived friendship or inclusion in groups.

  • Some young people with ASD may not have the social skills and support networks to counter bullies, thus becoming targets.

  • They may be unaware of the need to ask for assistance; they may think teachers know about all incidents (without them being told) and are thus choosing not to intervene.

You can access further information and support from Bullying UK 


